Wansbeck Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust


Art – curriculum information

At Wansbeck Primary, we aim to ensure children engage in a wide range of skills through our Art curriculum. Children learn about the six main skills of Art through a range of exciting topics that link to the learning of their topics and bring in historical and cultural links. Throughout the school children will have the opportunity to explore; painting, drawing, printing, collage, sculpture, and digital media.

Our Art journey starts at the very beginning in the EYFS where children are exposed to Art daily. Children are encouraged to use a range of tools and surfaces for mark making, as well as a range of materials to manipulate and join to show their creativity. These opportunities can be linked to our topics with the addition of children being able to explore and make as far as their imaginations can take them.

In KS1, children explore the Art skills and build upon their skills each year to become great artists. They also learn about artists, craft makers or designers that influences the style of art they will be creating. They work through Art linking closely to topics to create fossil sculptures, rainforest collages and dragon prints amongst others. The children enjoy sharing these experiences with their friends, creating designs, and testing different skills and ideas too. Artwork created by the children is always proudly showcased across the school, demonstrating the children’s journey from research ideas to creating their own masterpieces.

In KS2, children continue to explore and progress in their art skills, being exposed to a wider range of tools and materials. They also learn about artists, craft makers or designers that influences the style of art they will be creating, as well as comparing these with other artists developing opinions of their preferences in art. Children are encouraged to think carefully about the designing of their own artwork through carrying out evaluations throughout before developing their final piece. This allows them to express themselves in the ways they like, often showing mood and feeling through choices of colour and texture. Our children have been able to make pop art style prints, Stone Age cave art, WWII drawings and Van Gogh collages all linking to our topics in an exciting way. Similarly to KS1, our children love to showcase their work and you will find this around the school and regularly find updates on our school Twitter and class blogs as children create their art.

Art Curriculum

Art - Curriculum Intent

Art - Long Term Plan

Art - Knowledge & Skills Progression

Art - Medium Term Plan

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