Wansbeck Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust

Design & Technology

Design & Technology – Curriculum Information

At Wansbeck Primary, we aim to ensure children engage in a wide range of skills through Design & Technology. Children learn about the six areas of D&T through a range of exciting topics that link to the learning in the core subjects of English and Maths.

Our D&T journey starts at the very beginning in the EYFS where children are exposed to D&T daily. Children are encouraged to use a range of materials to manipulate and experiment in order to build models that represent objects. These opportunities can be linked to our topics with the addition of children being able to explore and make as far as their imaginations can take them.

In KS1, children explore; cooking, construction and textiles, building on their skills each year to become great designers. They work through D&T linking closely to topics to create dinosaur fossils, textile trees and smoothies amongst others. The children enjoy sharing these experiences with their friends, gathering evidence and testing different objects and ideas too. We regularly hold end-of-term showcase events where parents and carers are invited to see (and taste-test; sometimes) the finished product.

In KS2, children explore; cooking, construction and textiles relating to a specific target audience. Children are encouraged to think carefully about their designing and making of a product, often creating many prototypes before the final piece! Our children have been able to make beating hearts, erupting volcanoes, and treasure boxes, all linking to our topics in an exciting way. Similarly to KS1, our children love to showcase their work and you will regularly find updates on our school Twitter and class blogs.

Design & Technology Curriculum: 

DT - Curriculum Intent

DT - Knowledge and Skills Progression

DT - Long Term Plan

DT - Medium Term Plan

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