English – Curriculum Information
At Wansbeck Primary School we follow the requirements of The English National Curriculum. Throughout every curriculum area there is a strong emphasis on the basic skills of Reading and Writing, which are key drivers throughout our curriculum.Writing
At Wansbeck Primary School we follow the requirements of the National Curriculum. English is embedded into every area of the curriculum and key texts drive every topic across the school.
By the time children leave Wansbeck they will have been engaged in a range of genres and text types across the curriculum. Children will produce high quality pieces of writing that fit the purpose and awareness of the audience and develop as a writer as a social individual.
We develop successful writers as the children are initially immersed into the topic they are writing about. This enables all children to develop the vocabulary they need for writing.
Children are also given opportunities to imitate writing (both orally and through writing) prior to creating their own version of a text. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are included in every topic and taught alongside writing to ensure that the children are embedding all skills that they learn into their writing.
Daily spelling, punctuation and grammar activities mean that all the children are able to learn new ways in which to improve their writing skills.
Curriculum Intent:
Writing - Knowledge and Skills Progression
download_for_offlineWriting - Knowledge and Skills Progression
- Writing - LTP download_for_offline