Wansbeck Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust


Geography – Curriculum Information

In Geography lessons children will be taught a variety of skills to ensure they are able to collect, analyse and communicate with data (where possible gathered through fieldwork) enabling children to deepen their geographical understanding. Children will look at a range of sources including maps, diagrams, globes and aerial photographs. 

There will also be a progression of knowledge with children developing their understanding of global locations and their characteristics. Children will look at a variety of places and environments both locally, within the United Kingdom and globally. 

Pupils learn about vocabulary specific to the subject. They are also taught to use globes, read maps and create plans at a range of scales. We also cover the use of secondary sources of information including aerial photographs.

We promote local visits and field trips to help provide further learning opportunities for our children. This provides them with opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills they have learnt. 

Curriculum Intent Geography

Geography - Curriculum Intent

Geography - Long Term Plan

Geography - Knowledge and Skills Sequencing

Geography - Medium Term Plan

Google Maps