Wansbeck Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust


History – Curriculum Information

In History lessons children will be investigating people, places and periods of time. Children will develop an understanding of how people’s lives in the United Kingdom have changed and how it has been influenced by the wider world. Children will also learn about key historical events.

We will provide our children with opportunities to gain historical perspective allowing them to understand connections between local, regional, national and international history.

During Key stage 1 children will focus on understanding changes within living memory, the lives of people in the past and significant events such as the Great Fire of London. They will also look at significant historical events, people and places in the local area. During Key Stage 2 children will continue to develop this knowledge and understand periods of time including Romans, Vikings, Victorians and Ancient Greece.

Children will be taught how to ask a variety of questions of Primary and Secondary Sources. Children will be exposed to a variety of historical sources including pictures, books, videos and artefacts.

All children will be expected to be able to sequence events and pictures over time to help develop their chronological understanding. By the end of KS2 children will place significant events and people in the correct periods of time and use appropriate vocabulary and dates.

We will also look at similarities and differences over time to allow children to draw comparisons which in turn will help them develop an understanding of our modern global society. Pupils will be able to give reasons for, and the impact of historical events as well as analyse the changes that have happened as a result of these events and how they have shaped the world and their lives today.

We promote local visits and field trips to help provide children with further learning opportunities for our children. This enables them to apply the knowledge and skills they have learnt.

History curriculum

Curriculum Intent

History Long term plan 2023-2024

History Knowledge Overview

Sequence of Work

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