Lower Key Stage 2
Welcome to Years 3 and 4
3EW - Miss Wood and Miss Young
3/4LW - Mrs Withill and Mrs Kelly
4EH - Miss Harrison and Mrs Rasen
We are made up of 3 classes. Year 3 (Miss Wood and Miss Young), a Year 4 (Miss Harrison and Mrs Rasen) and a mixed Year 3 and 4 (Mrs Withill and Mrs Kelly)
Our mornings start with KIRFS (key instant recall facts) as part of their maths curriculum, spellings and phonics, guided reading, maths, reading and writing. We are working hard on our handwriting and aspiring to gain our handwriting pen. Our mornings compromise of our wider curriculum which engage the children through topics such as; P.E., R.E., PSHE, Science, ICT, Music, History, Geography, Art, D.T. and Spanish.
Our topics are based around themes (where possible) and this year we will be focusing on the Tudors (Autumn term), William Wilberforce (Spring term) and the Greeks (Summer term). As in Key Stage 1, we believe reading is vital for our children’s learning and we encourage our children to read 3 times a week or more at home. This can be with adults and/or with siblings. This can be evidenced through the children’s reading records that are brought home daily.
As part of our character curriculum, children will be completing ‘Wansbeck Wonders’ which promote experiences that link to our 3R’s and Modern British Values. Some of these experiences include to sleep for one night away from home, to attend a theatre performance and to attend a club for a whole term. If you and your child(ren) visit new places or complete experiences, you can bring in evidence such as pictures to place in their character curriculum book within school.