Maths – Curriculum Information
At Wansbeck Primary we follow the National Curriculum and we cover a wide variety of mathematical areas.
We deliver lessons every term on the areas of place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division, this allows our children to build up these skills in smaller steps and by recapping and revising these areas termly it allows our children to embed and secure their knowledge in these areas.
Our children throughout the year also cover the following topics:
- Measures – including – length, mass and capacity.
- Time
- Fractions
- Shape and space
- Geometry
We start our teaching of times tables in Year 2 and build these up so that children have learnt all 12 times tables to 12 by Spring in Year 4 so they are fully prepared for the multiplication check. Our children also have access to Timetables Rockstars to support the learning of these both at school and home.
Our children start their lessons with short and snappy sessions that cover oral maths (using metal arithmetic to answer questions without recording) or arithmetic sessions where children are given a certain amount of time to answer questions based around an area of the four operations they have learnt allowing them to recall and continually develop these skills repeatedly during the year.