Restorative Practice

Restorative Practice enables the building, maintaining and repairing of relationships. The philosophy embodies a set of values and principles and a way of working with people that provides a common language and approach and enables the practice to be taught.

What are the key principles

Restorative Practice is underpinned by values of empathy, respect, honesty, acceptance, responsibility, and mutual accountability.
Restorative Practice has main goals are:

  • Building and repairing relationships to work in ways that are respectful and engaging, enabling participants to develop understanding and empathy and the impact of their behaviour both positive and negative. Additionally to work in ways that enable participants to put right relationships when harm has been caused.
  • Empowerment of individuals, groups and communities. Restorative Practices aims to support these groups to build confidence and control over their own lives. RP tries to meet the needs of community through strategies that build relationships and empower families, schools and communities to take responsibility for the well being of its members.
  • Mutual Accountability – Restorative Practice provides opportunities for wrongdoers to be accountable to those they have harmed, and enable them to repair the harm they caused to the extent possible.
  • Cultural Sensitivity – Restorative Practices is culturally sensitive enabling participants to conduct processes and meeting in line with their own traditions and culture.
  • Shared responsibility – the approach builds on the knowledge, skills and resources in both formal helping agencies and services and informal family and community network to work together; sharing responsibility knowledge, skills and resources for the well-being and of children and young people.

Outcome and Solution Focused – Restorative Practice aims to focus on outcomes and solutions using the results for children as the basis for all action. This will increase the pro-social skills of those who have harmed others, address underlying causes and enable people to build on strengths. The outcome and decision in response to behaviour that has affected others may involve an appropriate sanction. This is discussed with all parties to ensure that the process is fair, mutually agreed and relevant to the nature of the behaviour.

Our restorative community equips our pupils with the skills to recognise and manage their own feelings and nurture their relationships within the school. Daily community circles ensure ALL pupils have a voice and thrive in an environment that promotes respect and appreciation of differences, therefore the school is a safe and happy place to be where pupils learn to resolve their problems in an effective and mature way.

Restorative questions scaffold our conflict resolution. Some of these are;

  • What happened?
  • What were you thinking about at the time?
  • What have your thoughts been since?
  • Who has been affected by what happened?
  • In what way have they been affected?
  • What do you think needs to happen next?

Working restoratively creates a safer, more productive and a more caring environment for all.

“Brilliant school.”

Parent's comments

“My children are happy at school and have many opportunities to develop their learning.”

Parent's comments

“Pupils’ safety and well-being are central to your work. The leadership team has
ensured that all safeguarding requirements are fit for purpose.”

Ofsted comments

“Thanks for all the help & extra support that my child receives. It means that I know he is getting all the help he needs to progress to his potential.”

Parent's comments

“Care is taken to ensure that the topics that are chosen attract the interests of the children.”

Ofsted comments

“The school have created a strong leadership team by making good use of opportunities you have to collaborate with other trust schools.”

Ofsted comments

“Wansbeck Primary School is a happy, well-organised school that is at the heart of the local community.”

Ofsted comments

“The quality of pupils’ handwriting has also improved, particularly in key stage 2.”

Ofsted comments

“Teaching assistants provide effective support for pupils, prompting them to explain their answers and
providing them with the confidence to ‘have a go’.”

Ofsted comments

“There is a
consistent approach to the teaching of phonics. Regular checks help teachers to
group pupils effectively so that activities are well matched to pupils’ needs.”

Ofsted comments

“The school has good systems in place to develop the leadership skills of staff.”

Ofsted comments

“My children are very happy at school and should I ever have any concerns, the school are happy to deal with it.”

Parent's comments

“This has enabled
the school to continue to improve the quality of teaching and learning for pupils.”

Ofsted comments

“My child is always happy and loves going to school. Teachers are always there when needed.”

Parent's comments

“Teachers make regular checks on the progress
that pupils make and use this information to adjust the activities that they plan.”

Ofsted comments

“Any issues raised are always dealt with, absolutely no concerns brilliant school and lovely caring staff. My child learns a lot attending this school. Thank you.”

Parent's comments

“Pupils often have
opportunities to visit places of interest, such as the residential visit to Whitby that is linked to a class topic.”

Ofsted comments

“All my children have loved this school and all great memories of staff. Wansbeck is great.”

Parent's comments

“Pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum. You have a clear vision for what you want pupils to achieve; developing pupils socially, emotionally and
academically is at the centre of the curriculum you provide.”

Ofsted comments

“The school receives good support from the Hull Collaborative Academy
Trust, and trust leaders also provide you with effective challenge.”

Ofsted comments

“Central to the work of the school is the development of pupils’ social skills and the support of their well-being.”

Ofsted comments

“The school is passionate about the community it serves and determined
to help pupils to be the best they can be.”

Ofsted comments

“The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.”

Ofsted comments

“Best decision I made for my children’s education was moving them to Wansbeck. The progress the children have made is amazing. Very happy mum.”

Parent's comments

“Great school with fantastic teachers.”

Parent's comments

“My two children have come on leaps and bounds regarding reading, writing and maths. The teachers are amazing.”

Parent's comments

“Really happy with the way my child has developed whilst attending Wansbeck”

Parent's comments

“The school leadership team are committed to helping pupils to succeed”

Ofsted comments

“Very happy with school. Feel really assured with the help we have had from SENCO with the assessment for my child regarding possible autism and ADHD. More than happy with teachers and support staff.”

Parent's comments

“Teachers accurately demonstrate to pupils the sounds that letters make. This
helps pupils to repeat the sounds they are learning.”

Ofsted comments

“Wansbeck is an amazing primary school that puts my children’s needs first. Great staff and friendly pupils.”

Parent's comments

“My child is well cared at school she loves it!”

Parent's comments

“This improvement is underlined by published data showing that pupils’ spelling and grammar scores are now above the national average at the end of key stage 2.”

Ofsted comments

“My child really enjoys attending school he tells me he loves his teachers and friends.”

Parent's comments

“Spelling errors
are also routinely identified in pupils’ written work across a range of subjects. This
helps pupils to avoid future repetitions.”

Ofsted comments

“You pay
particular attention to safeguarding issues that affect your local community and prepare staff well to support pupils.”

Ofsted comments

“Staff and governors
maintain an acute focus on these areas and establish excellent relationships with

Ofsted comments

“Grammatical errors are discussed with pupils, and this helps them to improve their writing.”

Ofsted comments

“The designated safeguarding leader is tenacious in her approach and
leaves no stone unturned in order to ensure that pupils receive the best possible

Ofsted comments